Apocalypse Please Live

Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Matthew Bellamy Piano
Matthew Bellamy Piano
Matthew Bellamy Keyboard
Lead 1 (square]
Matthew Bellamy Vocals
Reed Organ
Chris + Matt Vocals
Chris Wolstenholme Bass
Acoustic Bass
Matthew Bellamy Guitar
Overdriven Guitar
Melodic Tom
Dominic Howard Drums


De-clare this an e-mer-gen-cy, come on and spread a sense of ur-gen-cy, and pull us through and pull us through and this is the end, the end this is the end of the world. And it's time we saw a mir-a-cle, come on it's time for some-thing bib-li-cal to pull us through and pull us through and this is the end, the end this is the end of the world. Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, ooh. And pro-claim e-tern-al vic-to-ry, come on and change the course of his-to-ry, and pull us through and pull us through and this is the end, the end this is the end of the world. Ooh, ooh, ooh, oh, ooh.